Hybrid Learning Marketing and Faculty Liaison

1 week ago

Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full time

- Liaising with the relevant centres in the Division for Learning and Teaching Enhancement (LTE), such as the Centre for Academic Planning and Quality Assurance and the Centre for Teaching and Learning, to ensure that programme leaders and module leaders are aware of the administrative and logístical steps of the internal academic planning and module/programme approval processes;
- Supporting the HL coordination function by ensuring that all essential kick-off documentation is prepared for the HL development processes;
- Supporting Faculty-based HL offering teams with the marketing workflow of HL offerings, for example, purchase order and invoice tracking, setup of meetings, developing meeting notes and action points, following up on the progress of asset development, brief development where necessary, and updating campaign date calendars;
- Assisting the HL team with the management and handover of projects after the first-round of implementation, including ensuring that final artwork, assets and key documents are filed on MS Teams/SharePoint with links updated on reference documents, setting up meetings with Faculty representatives, and related activities;
- Guiding Faculty-based teams during the post pilot-implementation, reporting phase for the HL offering;
- Liaising with the Blended Learning Coordinator (BLC) network and other Faculty-based role-players (e.g., professional academic support staff) to ensure these colleagues are aware of HL offerings in their faculties so that they can offer the required support (relevant to their roles);
- Reporting to the HL Coordinator and HL Digital Marketing Specialist about the above, on a regular basis.
- Skakel met die betrokke sentrums binne die Afdeling vir Leer
- en Onderrigverryking (LOV), bv., die Sentrum vir Akademiese Beplanning en Gehalteversekering en die Sentrum vir Onderrig en Leer, om te verseker dat programleiers en moduleleiers bewus is van die administratiewe en logistieke stappe rakende die interne akademiese beplannings
- en module/programgoedkeuringsprosesse;
- Ondersteun die HL koördineerdingsfunksie deur te verseker dat alle noodsaaklike afskopdokumentasie voorberei is vir die HL-ontwikkelingsprosesse;
- Ondersteun Fakulteitsgebaseerde HL-aanbiedingsspanne met die bemarkingswerkstroom van HL-aanbiedinge, byvoorbeeld aankoopbestelling
- en tred hou van fakture, opstel van vergaderings, ontwikkeling van vergaderingsnotas en aksiepunte, opvolging van die vordering van bateontwikkeling, opstel van opdragontwikkelinge waar nodig, en opdatering van veldtogdatums;
- Verleen bystand aan die HL-span met die bestuur en oorhandiging van projekte na die eerste rondte van implementering, met inbegrip van die versekering dat finale kunswerk, bates en sleuteldokumente op MS Teams/SharePoint gestoor word met skakels wat op datum is in verwysingsdokumente, die opstel van vergaderings met Fakulteitsverteenwoordigers, en verwante aktiwiteite;
- Begelei Fakulteitsgebaseerde spanne tydens die na-loodsimplementering, rapporteringsfase vir die HL-aanbiedinge;
- Skakel met die Gemengdeleer Koördineerders (GLK)-netwerk en ander Fakulteitsgebaseerde rolspelers (bv., professionele akademiese ondersteuningspersoneel) om te verseker dat hierdie kollegas bewus is van HL-aanbiedinge in hul fakulteite, sodat hulle die nodige ondersteuning (van toepassing op hul rolle) kan bied;
- Lewer op 'n gereelde basis verslag aan die HL-koördineerder en HL-digitale Bemarkingsspesialis aangaande die bogenoemde.

Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes
- A three-year degree in marketing, social science, administration, communication, public relations, or a related field;
- At least two years' experience in support and / or coordination of higher education / training offerings. (This can include student / learner administration, lecturer / facilitator support, or direct involvement in teaching activities);
- Demonstrable knowledge of the breadth and depth of advertising and marketing principles;
- Familiarity with marketing analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and to make data-driven decisions (e.g., understanding trends, competition, and the needs of target audiences);
- Proven experience of effective multi-stakeholder communication, in a project-based work environment. This should include the ability to ensure relevant stakeholders have access to important information, to address queries and uncertainties with a problem-solving mindset, and to assist the project team in proactively addressing any challenges / delays;
- An understanding of the typical higher education student lifecycle (from registration to graduation);
- A basic understanding of the key aspects that inform curriculum design and programme renewal. This includes high-level, practical considerations (e.g., modes of delivery, types of qualifications) and pedagogical considerations (e.g., types of learning facilitation and assessment approaches);
- Knowledge of working with institutiona

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