Lecturer / Coordinator: English Programme

3 weeks ago

Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full time

- Coordinate and teach English language acquisition modules and short courses at different levels to undergraduate and postgraduate South African and international students;
- Assess students to determine proficiency levels for placement purposes;
- Train Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) students;
- Develop and review syllabi, course material and assessments informed by innovative and appropriate learning and teaching approaches (including blended learning), which create interest, understanding and enthusiasm amongst course participants;
- Liaise with faculties, departments and SU International regarding the Intensive English programme and English for Academic Purposes modules and/or short courses;
- Manage all academic and financial administration with regard to relevant modules and short courses;
- Train, mentor and supervise facilitators teaching in TEFL, Intensive English Programme and English for Academic Purposes modules and/or short courses;
- Ensure the quality of teaching and assessment in the Intensive English Programme and TEFL, as well as for English for Academic Purposes modules and/or short courses;
- Teach academic literacies courses at first-year level, as needed;
- Perform context-specific research to inform best practice in the field(s) of second or foreign-language acquisition and/or academic literacies.
- Koördineer en bied Engels-taalverwerwingsmodules en -kortkursusse op verskillende vlakke aan vir voorgraadse en nagraadse Suid-Afrikaanse en internasionale studente;
- Assesseer studente om vaardigheidsvlakke vir plasingsdoeleindes te bepaal;
- Verskaf opleiding aan studente in die onderrig van Engels as vreemde taal (TEFL);
- Ontwikkel en hersien sillabusse, kursusmateriaal en assesserings wat deur vernuwende en toepaslike leer-en-onderrigbenaderings (waaronder gemengde leer) gerig word, en wat belangstelling, begrip en entoesiasme by kursusdeelnemers skep;
- Skakel met fakulteite, departemente en US Internasionaal oor die Intensive English-program en English for Academic Purposes-modules en/of -kortkursusse;
- Bestuur alle akademiese en finansiële administrasie in verband met die betrokke modules en kortkursusse;
- Verskaf opleiding, mentorskap en toesig aan fasiliteerders wat TEFL, die Intensive English-program en English for Academic Purposes-modules en -kortkursusse aanbied;
- Verseker die gehalte van onderrig en assessering in die Intensive English-program en TEFL, sowel as in die English for Academic Purposes-modules en/of -kortkursusse;
- Bied kursusse in akademiese geletterdhede op eerstejaarsvlak aan, na gelang van wat nodig is;
- Onderneem konteksspesifieke navorsing om beste praktyk op die gebied(e) van tweedetaal
- of vreemdetaalverwerwing en/of akademiese geletterdhede te rig.

Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes
- An appropriate master's degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), or an equivalent qualification;
- At least three years' teaching experience in the higher education environment, specifically in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) or English as a Second Language (ESL);
- Experience in training student teachers to use a variety of online platforms;
- Knowledge and experience in curriculum development and assessment protocols;
- Highly developed organisational skills and the ability to work in a complex academic environment;
- The ability to manage time and work according to strict deadlines;
- Evidence of teaching ability and of fostering a positive learning environment for students;
- Computer literacy in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook), as well as experience in using various online teaching platforms;
- Excellent interpersonal, spoken and written communication skills in English;
- Experience in training, mentoring and supervising facilitators teaching in TEFL, EFL and/or English for Academic Purposes modules and/or short courses.
- 'n Toepaslike magistergraad in TESOL (onderrig van Engels aan anderstaliges), of 'n gelykstaande kwalifikasie;
- Minstens drie jaar onderrigervaring in die hoëronderwysomgewing, spesifiek op die gebied van Engels as vreemde taal (EFL) of Engels as tweede taal (ESL);
- Ervaring in die opleiding van onderwysstudente om 'n verskeidenheid aanlyn platforms te gebruik;
- Kennis van en ervaring in kurrikulumontwikkeling en assesseringsprotokolle;
- Hoogs ontwikkelde organisatoriese vaardighede en die vermoë om in 'n komplekse akademiese omgewing te werk;
- Die vermoë om tyd te bestuur en by vaste spertye te hou;
- Bewys van onderrigvermoë en die skep van 'n positiewe leeromgewing vir studente;
- Rekenaargeletterdheid in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint en Outlook), sowel as ervaring in die gebruik van verskeie aanlyn onderrigplatforms;
- Uitmuntende interpersoonlike, praat
- en skryfvaardighede in Engels;
- Ervaring in die verskaffing van opleiding, mentorskap en toesig aan fasiliteerders wat TEFL, EFL en/of English for Academic Purposes-modules en -kortkursusse aanbied.

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