Senior Lecturer

9 months ago

Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full time

- Lecturing modules in one or more of the specialised LLM programmes in International Trade Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Law and Technology, as well as in other law modules;
- Lecturing in the undergraduate law programmes and service modules;
- Actively researching, writing and publishing in the assigned field(s) of law;
- Postgraduate supervision;
- Contributing to the administrative functioning of the Faculty;
- Performing such other duties as assigned by the Faculty.
- Onderrig in een of meer van die gespesialiseerde LLM-programme in Internasionale Handelsreg, Alternatiewe Geskilbeslegting, en Reg en Tegnologie, sowel as ander regsmodules;
- Onderrig in die voorgraadse regsprogramme en diensmodules;
- Aktiewe navorsing, skryf en publikasie in die toegewyse regsvakgebied(e);
- Nagraadse studieleiding;
- Bydrae tot die administratiewe funksionering van die Fakulteit;
- Uitvoering van ander take soos deur die Fakulteit toegewys.

Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes
- LLM with a relevant undergraduate degree in law (for appointment as Lecturer);
- LLD or an appropriate PhD (for appointment as Senior Lecturer). In the case of an applicant from practice who does not hold a full-time academic appointment, reputation in legal practice and professional legal experience may be considered in the absence of an LLD/PhD;
- Publications (for appointment as Senior Lecturer);
- Experience in postgraduate mentorship and supervision (for appointment as Senior Lecturer);
- Experience in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching (for appointment as Senior Lecturer).
- LLM met 'n toepaslike voorgraadse regsgraad (vir aanstelling as Lektor);
- 'n LLD of 'n toepaslike PhD (vir aanstelling as Senior Lektor). In die geval van 'n aansoeker vanuit die praktyk wat nie 'n voltydse akademiese posisie beklee nie, en ook nie oor 'n LLD/PhD beskik nie, kan die aansoeker se reputasie in die praktyk en professionele ervaring in ag geneem word;
- Publikasies (vir aanstelling as Senior Lektor);
- Ervaring van nagraadse mentorskap en studieleiding (vir aanstelling as Senior Lektor);
- Ervaring van voorgraadse en nagraadse onderrig (vir aanstelling as Senior Lektor).

- A strong interest in research;
- Good interpersonal relationships;
- Experience with teaching in other areas of Mercantile Law at undergraduate or postgraduate level;
- Legal practical experience;
- Multilingualism;
- A strong academic record.
- Sterk navorsingsbelangstelling;
- Goeie interpersoonlike verhoudinge;
- Onderrigervaring in ander gebiede van Handelsreg op voorgraadse en nagraadse vlak;
- Praktiese regservaring;
- Veeltaligheid
- 'n Sterk akademiese rekord.

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