
1 week ago

Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full time

Fisioterapeutiese dienslewering en gemeenskapinteraksie:_**
- Aanbied van fisioterapie dienste by Bishop Lavis Rehabilitasie Sentrum;
- Bestuur die huidige omvang en uitbreiding van dienslewering by BLRS;
- Bestuur verbruikbare bates en hulpmiddels volgens die beleid en prosedures van BLRS;
- Implementeer innoverende inisiatiewe om dienste (bv. tele-rehabilitasie) en gehalteversekeringspraktyke te verbeter en te versterk (bv. elektroniese stelsels wat aan

die Wet op die Beskerming van Persoonlike Inligting voldoen);
- Betrek en bestuur verhoudings met belanghebbendes (bv. Bishop Lavis Gemeenskapsdagsentrum, US, NPO's, gemeenskapsgebaseerde werkers);
- Beplan en ontwikkel dienste om interdissiplinariteit onder rehabilitasiepersoneel en studente te bevorder;
- Toesighouding oor en ondersteun voorgraadse studente op die diensplatform;
- Toesighouding oor en ondersteun internasionale, elektiewe studente.


- Voorgraadse onderrig in gestremdheid
- en rehabilitasieverwante temas;
- Koördineering van Kliniese Fisioterapie I of II;
- Dra by tot UG-programontwikkeling en kurrikulumvernuwingsaktiwiteite;
- Studieleiding van nagraadse studente in die fokusareas van die Afdeling.


- Deelname aan navorsingsaktiwiteite wat lei tot persoonlike ontwikkelingsdoelwitte (bv. PhD) en navorsingsuitsette in ooreenstemming met aanwysingsdoelwitte van

die Afdeling;
- Betrokkenheid by departementele navorsingsinisiatiewe (bv. boekhoofstukke, inter-afdeling navorsingsprojekte, mede-toesighouding).
- Providing physiotherapy services at Bishop Lavis Rehabilitation Centre (BLRC);
- Managing the current scope and expansion of service delivery at BLRC;
- Managing consumable assets and assistive devices according to the policy and procedures of BLRC;
- Implementing innovative initiatives to improve and strengthen services (e.g. tele-rehabilitation) and quality assurance practices (e.g. electronic systems compliant with

the Protection of Personal Information Act);
- Engaging and managing relationships with stakeholders (e.g. Bishop Lavis Community Health Centre
- SU, NPO's, community-based workers);
- Planning and developing services to promote interdisciplinarity among rehabilitation staff and students;
- Supervising and supporting undergraduate students on the service platform;
- Supervising and supporting international elective students.


- Undergraduate teaching in disability and rehabilitation related themes;
- Coordinating Clinical Physiotherapy I or II;
- Contributing to UG programme development and curriculum renewal activities;
- Supervising postgraduate students in the focus areas of the Division.


- Engaging in research activities leading to personal development goals (e.g. PhD) and research outputs in line with designation targets set by the Division;
- Engaging in departmental research initiatives (e.g. book chapters, inter-divisional research projects, co-supervision).

Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes
**Vereistes/ Requirements**:

- Meestersgraad;
- Ervaring in kliniese dienslewering op primêre gesondheidsorgvlak na gemeenskapsdiens;
- Ervaring in onderrig-/onderrigbystand en kliniese toesig op die gebied van gestremdheid en rehabilitasie;
- Rekord van toepaslike, gereelde en onlangse deelname aan Deurlopende Professionele Ontwikkeling (CPD);
- Geregistreer/registreerbaar by die Gesondheidsberoepsraad van Suid-Afrika as 'n Fisioterapeut.
- Master's degree;
- Experience in clinical service delivery at primary health care level after community service;
- Experience in teaching/teaching assistance and clinical supervision in the area of disability and rehabilitation;
- Record of appropriate, regular and recent participation in Continuous Professional Development (CPD)_;_
- Registered/ registrable with the Health Professional Council of South Africa as a Physiotherapist.


- Publikasierekord;
- Bewys van ervaring in die bestuur van kliniese dienste;
- Bewys van ervaring in administratiewe onderrigaktiwiteite;
- Bewyse van inhoudontwikkeling en/of kurrikulumvernuwingsaktiwiteite;
- Bewyse van deelname aan multi/ inter/ transdissiplinêre spanwerkaktiwiteite of innoverende strategieë om rehabilitasiedienste te verbeter;
- Lidmaatskap van en deelname aan professionele verenigings.
- Publication record;
- Evidence of experience in clinical services¿ management;
- Evidence of experience in administrative teaching activities;
- Evidence of content development and/or curriculum renewal activities;
- Evidence of participation in multi/ inter/ transdisciplinary teamwork activities, or innovative strategies to enhance rehabilitation services;
- Membership of and participation in professional associations.

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