4 months ago
- Developing and evaluating course material in ruminant animal breeding and genetics.
- Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in compliance with the general academic focus of the Department, specifically in animal breeding and genetics, and management;
- Providing academic guidance to postgraduate students.
- Sourcing and managing external research funds.
- Conducting an active and productive research programme within the general focus of the Department, and technology transfer in the form of scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals as well as congress contributions.
- Developing national and international research and industry partnerships and networks.
- Involvement with administrative service delivery at departmental, Faculty and University level.
- Involvement in social impact activities.
- Ontwikkeling en evaluering van kursusmateriaal in diereteling en genetika.
- Voorgraadse en nagraadse onderrig in ooreenstemming met die algemene akademiese fokus van die Departement, spesifiek in diereteling en genetika, en bestuur;
- Akademiese voorligting aan nagraadse studente.
- Verkryging en bestuur van eksterne navorsingsfondse.
- 'n Aktiewe en produktiewe navorsingsprogram in ooreenstemming met die algemene fokus van die Departement en tegnologie oordrag in die vorm van wetenskaplike artikels in eweknie-beoordeeldevaktydskrifte sowel as kongres bydraes.
- Ontwikkeling van nasionale en internasionale navorsings
- en bedryfsvennootskappe en -netwerke.
- Betrokkenheid met administratiewe dienslewering op departementele-, Fakulteit
- en Universiteitsvlak.
- Betrokkenheid by sosiale impak aktiwiteite.
Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes
- PhD in animal science with specialisation in animal breeding and genetics.
- Knowledge of the South African livestock industry and farming practices.
- Proven experience in or an ability and willingness to participate in an active teaching programme.
- The ability and proficiency to obtain external research funding commensurate with the level of appointment.
- Postgraduate student supervision commensurate with the level of appointment.
- Peer-reviewed scientific publications commensurate with the level of appointment.
- Language proficiency for meeting the requirements of a multilingual university.
- PhD in veekundige wetenskappe met spesialisasie in diereteling en genetika.
- Kennis van die Suid-Afrikaanse veebedryf en verwante boerdery aktiwiteite.
- Bewese ervaring in of die vermoë en bereidwilligheid om aan 'n aktiewe onderrigprogram deel te neem.
- Die vermoë en vaardigheid om eksterne navorsingsfondse te werf in ooreenstemming met die vlak van aanstelling.
- Nagraadse studieleiding in ooreenstemming met die vlak van aanstelling.
- Eweknie beoordeelde wetenskaplike publikasies in ooreenstemming met die vlak van aanstelling.
- Taalvaardighede om aan die vereistes van 'n meertalige universiteit te voldoen.
- NRF rating or equivalent.
- Knowledge of large and small stock management and production.
- Recognition within the discipline on a national and international level.
- Registration at SACNASP.
- Strong South-African livestock industry networks.
- NNS gradering of gelykwaardig.
- Kennis van groot
- en kleinveebestuur en -produksie.
- Erkenning in die navorsingsveld op 'n nasionale en internasionale vlak.
- Registrasie by SACNASP.
- Goeie Suid-Afrikaanse veeboer bedryfsnetwerke.
Senior Lecturer
2 months ago
Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte - Teaching undergraduate and graduate modules in macroeconomics. - Self-initiated research with a primarily macroeconomic focus. - Supervision of postgraduate students. - Participating in Departmental, Faculty and University activities Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes **Lecturer**: - Master's degree awarded by a recognised university, with...
Senior Lecturer
9 months ago
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Lecturer / Senior Lecturer
1 week ago
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Lecturer/senior Lecturer
7 months ago
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Senior Lecturer/ Lecture
7 months ago
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Senior Lecturer/ Lecture
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Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte- Actively conducting research and publishing in peer-reviewed journals in a relevant area that aligns with the current research focal areas of the Applied Mathematics Division;- Recruiting and supervising postgraduate students;- Teaching and coordinating undergraduate and postgraduate Applied Mathematics modules in Science and Engineering...
Senior Lecturer
1 week ago
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Senior Lecturer
7 months ago
Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte- Conducting active research and publication in peer-reviewed journals in an area that will strengthen the research profile of the Mathematics Division;- Recruiting and supervising postgraduate students;- Teaching and coordinating undergraduate and postgraduate Mathematics modules in Science and programmes in other faculties;- Securing research...
Senior Lecturer/lecturer
7 months ago
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Lecturer / Senior Lecturer
7 months ago
Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte- Undertaking and supervising Analytical research activities, potentially in collaboration with other research groups in the Department;- Teaching Analytical Chemistry at undergraduate and postgraduate level;- Undertaking responsibilities and duties at Departmental and Faculty level as needed.Onderneem Analitiese navorsing as nagraadse...
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer
7 months ago
Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte- Conducting and supervising inorganic chemistry research activities, potentially in collaboration with other research groups in the Department and the broader University;- Teaching inorganic chemistry at undergraduate and postgraduate level and in service modules offered by the Department;- Undertaking responsibilities and duties at...
Senior Lecturer
4 months ago
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Academic Lecturer Role
3 weeks ago
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Senior Lecturer
2 weeks ago
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Lecturer: Accountancy
6 days ago
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Senior Lecturer
8 hours ago
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7 months ago
Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte- Teaching and assessment of Mathematics first-year modules in English and Afrikaans;- Module coordination and assisting with module administration.Die onderrig en assessering van Wiskunde-eerstejaarmodules in Engels en Afrikaans;- - Die koördinering van modules en hulpverlening met module-administrasie.Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes- PhD in...
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1 week ago
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Lecturer: Microbiology
8 hours ago
Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte Aangesien hierdie pos deel uitmaak van die nGAP, sal die nuutaangestelde dosent baatvind by 'n verminderde onderriglading gedurende die eerste drie tot vier jaar. Die bykomende beskikbare tyd sal aangewend word om die onderrig - en navorsingsontwikkelingsdoelwitte te bereik soos wat deur die nGAP uitgestippel word.Doseer Mikrobiologie aan...
Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte- Navorsing in die toepassing van molekulêre spektroskopie as nagraadse studieleier, moontlik ook in samewerking met ander navorsingsgroepe in die Departement.- Bied onderrig in Analitiese Chemie op voor - en nagraadse vlak.- Onderneem verantwoordelikhede en pligte op Departementele en Fakulteitsvlak, soos nodig.- Teaching Analytical Chemistry...