Lecturer: School of Accountancy
7 days ago
- and Leadership Acumen for Accountants - previously known as Information Systems - and Business Ethics).
- Daar bestaan tans opwindende doseer
- en navorsingsgeleenthede vir bewese vakspesialiste in die volgende Rekeningkundige vakgebiede: Bestuursrekeningkunde en Finansiële Bestuur, Finansiële Rekeningkunde, Belasting en Ouditkunde (met inbegrip van Digitale
- en Leierskapsvernuf vir Rekenmeesters - voorheen bekend as Inligtingstelsels - en Sake-etiek).
Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes
- An appropriate SAICA accredited honours degree in Accounting, or a postgraduate Diploma in Accounting;
- Registration as a Chartered Accountant (SA) or eligibility to register;
- A commitment to research and social impact/community involvement;
- The ability to lecture in English or Afrikaans, handle departmental administration and work in a team;
- The willingness to be involved in SAICA's Thuthuka project and the lecturing of Digital
- and Leadership Acumen for Accountants and/or Business Ethics;
- For some of the posts, namely those in Digital
- and Leadership Acumen for Accountants, the following is an additional requirement:
- Strong MS Excel skills, which specifically include the demonstrated use of PivotTables and the automation of routine tasks using Macros and VBA.
- 'n Toepaslike SAIGR-geakkrediteerde honneursgraad in Rekeningkunde, of 'n nagraadse diploma in Rekeningkunde;
- Registrasie as Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeester (SA) of in aanmerking om te registreer;
- Akademiese uitmuntendheid ('n volledige akademiese rekord moet u aansoek vergesel: daarsonder sal u aansoek as onvolledig geag word) en/of bewese akademiese navorsingservaring: 'n meestersgraad in die vakgebied van Rekeningkunde, of PhD, of publikasies in DHOO-goedgekeurde joernaal/joernale;
- 'n Verbintenis tot navorsing en sosiale impak/gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid;
- Die vermoë om in Engels of Afrikaans te doseer, departementele administrasie te behartig en binne spanverband saam te werk;
- Die bereidwilligheid om by die Thuthuka-projek van die SAIGR, asook by die dosering van Digitale
- en Leierskapsvernuf vir Rekenmeesters en/of Sake-etiek, betrokke te wees;
- Vir sommige van die poste, naamlik die in Digitale
- en Leierskapsvernuf vir Rekenmeesters, is die volgende 'n verdere vereiste:
- Sterk MS Excel vaardighede, wat spesifiek insluit die bewese gebruik van PivotTables en die outomasie van roetine take met die gebruik van Macros en VBA.
- The ability to lecture in both English and Afrikaans;
- For some of the posts, namely those in Digital
- and Leadership Acumen for Accountants, the following is an additional recommendation:
- Practical exposure to MS Excel Modelling and/or ACL (Audit Command Language), either through being able to demonstrate that you have used these functions yourself, or that you have learnt their use from someone else.
- Die vermoë om in beide Engels en Afrikaans te doseer;
- Vir sommige van die poste, naamlik die in Inligtingstelsels en Digitale
- en Leierskapsvernuf vir Rekenmeesters, is die volgende 'n verdere aanbeveling:
- Praktiese blootstelling aan MS Excel Modellering en/of ACL (Audit Command Language), hetsy deur te kan bewys dat u self hierdie funksies gebruik het of dat u die gebruik daarvan geleer het van iemand anders.
Lecturer: School of Accountancy
2 weeks ago
Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: - Undertaking teaching, learning and assessment activities in undergraduate and/or postgraduate modules. - Supervision of postgraduate students in accountancy and related research fields. - Engaging in research and publishing academic work in accountancy and related research fields in...
Lecturer: Accountancy
2 weeks ago
Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte - Daar bestaan tans opwindende doseer - en navorsingsgeleenthede vir bewese vakspesialiste in die volgende Rekeningkundige vakgebiede: Bestuursrekeningkunde, Finansiële Rekeningkunde, Belasting en Ouditkunde (met inbegrip van Inligtingstelsels en Sake-etiek)._Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes - 'n Toepaslike SAIGR-geakkrediteerde Honneursgraad in...
Lecturer: Accountancy
2 days ago
Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes - An appropriate SAICA accredited Honours degree in Accounting or a postgraduate diploma in Accounting; - Registration as a Chartered Accountant (SA), or eligibility to register; - A commitment to research and social impact/community involvement; - The ability to lecture in Afrikaans or English, handle...
Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full timeDuties/Pligte - Teaching financial planning topics at postgraduate level in accordance with the FPI syllabus; - Managing and coordinating the delivery of the Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Planning modules; - Ensuring the Business School's ongoing FPI-accreditation status and participating in accreditation audits; - Contributing to research through...
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