Operasionele Bestuurder

4 months ago

Lichtenburg, South Africa NWK Limited Full time

NWK4SURE Brokers (Pty) Ltd is seeking a highly motivated and experienced Operational Manager to join our dynamic team.
functioning of internal processes, managing financial controls, and driving operational excellence across our insurance
brokerage organisation.

**Key responsibilities**:
**Operational excellence**:

- Continuously review, update, and enforce internal policies and procedures.
- Manage and monitor agreements, contracts, and brokerage relationships with insurers.
- Identify opportunities to streamline processes and implement new systems or technologies.
- Achieve measurable improvements in process efficiency, cost reduction, and overall operational performance.
- Identify and implement strategies to optimise revenue from various insurance provider contracts.
- Work closely with the CEO to unlock new income streams in pursuit of business growth.

**Financial management**:

- Develop and manage budgets for various departments, track expenditures, and prepare financial reports.
- Develop and maintain robust financial and other internal controls and procedures.
- Ensure accurate financial reporting, adherence to budgets, and strong financial controls.
- Lead the compilation of financial statements and cultivate a strong working relationship with external auditors.

**Leadership and communication**:

- Prepare clear and concise management reports.
- Compile the board meeting packages.
- Build and maintain strong relationships with brokers.
- Maintain positive relationships with the CEO, insurers, brokers, clients and other stakeholders.
- Foster a positive and collaborative work environment.


- Ensure all operations are conducted in accordance with applicable regulations and internal policies.

**Additional responsibilities**:

- **Strategic planning**: Contribute to the development and execution of the company's strategic plans.
- **Risk management**: Identify and mitigate operational risks.

**Qualifications and experience**:

- BCom Honours degree (or equivalent) in Accounting or a related field. Chartered Accountant (CA) designation is

- Minimum of 5 years’ experience in a managerial role within the financial services or insurance industry.

- Professional proficiency in both Afrikaans and English.
- Demonstrated ability to improve operational efficiency, strong analytical and problem-solving skills, excellent

communication and interpersonal skills, proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, and experience with relevant financial


**NWK4SURE Brokers (Pty) Ltd is op soek na 'n hoogs gemotiveerde en ervare operasionele bestuurder om by ons dinamiese
span aan te sluit. Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal 'n sleutelrol speel in die toesighouding en optimalisering van ons daaglikse
bedrywighede, versekering van die gladde funksionering van interne prosesse, bestuur van finansiële kontroles, en die dryf
van operasionele uitnemendheid oor ons versekeringsmakelaarsorganisasie.

**Operasionele uitnemendheid**:

- Voortdurende hersiening, opdatering en afdwing van interne beleide en prosedures.
- Bestuur en monitor ooreenkomste, kontrakte en makelaarsverhoudings met versekeraars.
- Identifiseer geleenthede om prosesse vaartbelyn te maak en implementeer nuwe stelsels of tegnologieë.
- Bereik meetbare verbeterings in prosesse se doeltreffendheid, kostevermindering en algehele operasionele prestasie.
- Identifiseer en implementeer strategieë om inkomste uit verskeie versekeringsverskafferskontrakte te optimaliseer.
- Werk nou saam met die hoof
- uitvoerende beampte (HUB) om nuwe inkomstestrome te ontsluit in die nastrewing van


**Finansiële Bestuur**:

- Ontwikkel en bestuur begrotings vir verskeie departemente, hou uitgawes dop en berei finansiële verslae voor.
- Ontwikkel en handhaaf robuuste finansiële en ander interne kontroles en prosedures.
- Verseker akkurate finansiële verslagdoening, nakoming van begrotings en sterk finansiële beheermaatreëls.
- Lei die samestelling van finansiële state en kweek 'n sterk werksverhouding met eksterne ouditeure.

**Leierskap en kommunikasie**:

- Berei duidelike en bondige bestuursverslae voor.
- Stel die direksie se vergaderingspakkette saam.
- Bou en handhaaf sterk verhoudings met makelaars.
- Handhaaf positiewe verhoudings met die HUB, versekeraars, makelaars, kliënte en ander belanghebbendes.
- Bevorder 'n positiewe en samewerkende werksomgewing.


- Verseker dat alle bedrywighede uitgevoer word in ooreenstemming met toepaslike regulasies en interne beleide.

**Bykomende verantwoordelikhede**:

- **Strategiese beplanning**: Dra by tot die ontwikkeling en uitvoering van die maatskappy se strategiese planne.
- **Risikobestuur**: Identifiseer en verminder operasionele risiko’s.

**Kwalifikasies en ervaring**:

- BCom honneursgraad (of ekw

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