Clime Research Nurse

4 days ago

Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full time

Duties/PligteBeing situated at a study site to recruit and consent study participants, including in a busy and occasionally crowded space;- Meeting recruitment targets and managing multiple studies through simultaneous enrolment;- Assisting with tracing patients;- Working closely and maintaining good relations with other research nurses, city clinic staff, field staff, study clinician and laboratory staff to ensure uninterrupted flow of study samples from field sites to the laboratory;- Coordinating project tasks with community healthcare workers involved in the project and providing co-supervision;- Capturing patient information into computers and tablets with accuracy and high attention to detail using the REDCap software;- Interacting with community members through possible house visits;- Liaising with health facility staff and subcontractors to ensure the upkeep of the study site infrastructure and on-site equipment;- Attending regular training sessions and passing competency tests, and attending regular project meetings;- Performing HIV counselling and testing;- Performing clinical nursing procedures related to our studies;- Performing phlebotomies on patients and staff for occupational health and research purposes;- Performing various administrative tasks related to our studies, including ordering consumables, drafting standard operating procedures and writing reports;- Maintaining excellent relationships with laboratory staff and driver staff.

Job Requirements/Pos VereistesRegistered with the South African Nursing Council as professional nurse;- Experience working under GCP conditions;- Willingness to work at different clinics, including those in the northern district of Cape Town;- At least two years' applicable experience;- The ability to solve problems independently and effectively;- A goal-oriented disposition;- Computer literacy (MS Word and Excel);- Sound interpersonal skills;- A valid driver's licence;- Good written and verbal communication skills;- Fluency in English and isiXhosa or Afrikaans;- Maintaining patient confidentiality;- Experience of working in a research environment;- Previous clinical research experience (ideally in TB, however, this is not mandatory).

Recommendation/Aanbeveling None.

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