Bestuurder: Presisieboerderytoerusting
7 months ago
Are you a seasoned professional with a deep passion for farming equipment and the precision farming industry? Do you possess
extensive technical expertise in the field of farming and agriculture? If you're ready to elevate your career and take on a leadership
role, we have an exceptional opportunity for you. We are seeking an experienced Manager: Precision Farming Equipment to lead
and guide our team, providing expert insights and support in the farming and precision agriculture sector.
**Position overview**:
As a Manager: Precision Farming Equipment, your role will be that of a dynamic leader, responsible for providing comprehensive
technical expertise related to farming equipment and precision farming systems. You will lead a team, working collaboratively to
empower marketers, technicians, and external clients with the knowledge and support they need to excel in this field. Your role will
encompass a wide range of responsibilities, ensuring that you remain at the forefront of industry advancements and emerging
**Key responsibilities: **
**Leadership**: Leading and managing a team of technical specialists, ensuring they provide outstanding technical and sales
support for the complete New Holland product range and precision farming systems.
**Staying updated**: Keeping abreast of the latest trends and technological changes in precision farming techniques and New
Holland equipment, allowing you to provide cutting-edge knowledge and insights to your team and clients.
**Training and development**:Overseeing technical training programs for marketers, technicians, and external clients, ensuring
your team has the skills and knowledge required to excel in precision farming and promote the New Holland product range
**Collaboration**:Fostering seamless communication and cooperation within the organisation, working closely with various internal
departments to achieve collective goals**. **
**Expert advisory**: Providing expert opinions and timely advice to resolve warranty-related claims, ensuring the satisfaction of our
valued customers, while guiding your team in providing exceptional service.***
**Minimum requirements: **
Qualification as a diesel mechanic.
Five (5) years relevant experience.
Strong background in precision farming, precision planters; hydraulic systems; tractor GPS systems as well as related products.
Extensive technical knowledge of New Holland products.
Preference will be given to individuals with a technical background.
**Skills and qualities: **
Excellent communication skills, with the ability to articulate technical information effectively.
Strong organisational and planning skills.
Eagerness to learn and staying up to date with the latest industry developments.
Responsibility, reliability, and the ability to lead and inspire a team effectively.
Fulfilling a management position within our company, you'll have the opportunity to make a substantial impact on our
organisation and the farming industry as a whole. We offer a competitive compensation package, professional development
opportunities, and a supportive team environment.
If you're ready to bring your wealth of technical expertise in farming equipment and precision agriculture to a leadership role, we**BESTUURDER: PRESISIEBOERDERYTOERUSTING
Is jy 'n gesoute professionele persoon met 'n brandende passie vir boerderytoerusting en die presisieboerderybedryf? Beskik jy oor
uitgebreide tegniese kundigheid op die gebied van boerdery en landbou? As jy gereed is om jou loopbaan na nuwe hoogtes te neem
en 'n leierskapsrol te aanvaar, het ons 'n uitsonderlike geleentheid vir jou. Ons is op soek na 'n ervare bestuurder:
Presisieboerderytoerusting om ons span te lei deur kundige insigte en ondersteuning in die boerdery
- en presisielandbousektor te
As bestuurder: Presisieboerderytoerusting sal jou rol dié van 'n dinamiese leier wees, verantwoordelik vir die verskaffing van
omvattende tegniese kundigheid wat verband hou met boerderytoerusting en presisieboerderystelsels. Jy sal 'n span lei wat
saamwerk om bemarkers, tegnici en eksterne kliënte te bemagtig met die kennis en ondersteuning wat hulle nodig het om in hierdie
veld uit te blink. Jou rol sal 'n wye reeks verantwoordelikhede insluit om te verseker dat jy aan die voorpunt bly van vordering in die
bedryf en opkomende tegnologieë.
**Hoofverantwoordelikhede: **
**Leierskap**: Lei en bestuur 'n span tegniese spesialiste, om te verseker dat hulle uitstekende tegniese en verkoopsondersteuning
vir die volledige New Holland-produkreeks en presisieboerderystelsels bied.
**Bly op hoogte**: Gereelde opskerping van kennis van die jongste neigings en tegnologiese veranderinge in
presisieboerderytegnieke en New Holland-toerusting, wat jou in staat stel om die jongste ontwikkelinge en insigte aan jou span
en kliënte te verskaf.