Chief Theatre Technician

5 months ago

Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full time

Duties/Pligte- Lighting design for departmental productions;- Setting up (rigging and focusing) lights according to lighting plans;- Programming and editing on all lighting desks, including the use of DMX control fixtures;- Setting up and operating sound and audio-visual equipment;- Managing the maintenance of all lighting and sound equipment;- Responsible for inventory control;- Involvement with pre
- and post-production activities (rentals and departmental);- Production management for departmental productions;- Involvement with experiential learning of students within the theatre spaces;- Technical support for staff and students regarding teaching and research activities, productions, projects, and assessments;- Scheduled duty as a technician during productions and rentals at the Adam Small Theatre Complex, also after hours;- Adhering to and enforcing all relevant Health and Safety rules and regulations;- Serving as a member of the Health and Safety Committee of the Department;- Having regular meetings with the departmental chair, venue manager, and rental officer;- Interacting with students, staff, and the public.Beligtingsontwerp vir departementele produksies;- Opstel (hang en fokus) ligte (hang en fokus) volgens 'n beligtingsplan;- Programmering en redigering op alle beligtingsborde, insluitend die gebruik van DMX beheertoebehore;- Die opstel en bemanning van klank
- en oudiovisuele toerusting;- Bestuur die instandhouding van alle klank
- en beligtingtoerusting;- Verantwoordelik vir inventarisbeheer;- Betrokkenheid by pre
- en postproduksie aktiwiteite (verhurings en departementeel);- Produksiebestuur vir departementele produksies;- Betrokkenheid by ervaringsleer van studente in die teaterruimtes;- Tegniese ondersteuning vir personeel en studente met betrekking tot onderrig
- en navorsingsaktiwiteite, produksies, projekte en assesserings;- Geskeduleerde diens as tegnikus tydens produksies en verhurings in die Adam Small Teaterkompleks, ook na-ure;- Nakom en handhawing van alle toepaslike Gesondheids
- en Veiligheidsreëls en regulasies;- Dien as lid van die Departement se Gesondheids
- en Veiligheidskomitee;- Vergader gereeld met die departementele voorsitter, ruimtebestuurder en verhuringsbeampte;- Interaksie met studente, personeel en die publiek.

Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes- A relevant three-year post-school qualification in the technical aspects of theatre;-
- Proven experience as a theatre technician on a national or international level, with at least ten years¿ active service;-
- Experience in the execution of lighting designs, including setting up, programming and operating equipment;-
- Experience in setting up sound and AV equipment;-
- Experience in sound operating systems, specifically QLab;-
- Experience in mixing and patching on analog and digital audio consoles;-
- Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a team;-
- Strong interpersonal skills-
- The ability to supervise junior technicians;-
- Demonstrated ability to work under pressure in a deadline-driven environment;Knowledge of health and safety regulations;-
- Flexibility to work according to the Adam Small Theatre Complex and Drama Department's operational hours;-
- A valid driver's licence.-
'n Toepaslike drie-jarige naskoolse kwalifikasie in die tegniese aspekte van teater;-
- Bewese ervaring as teatertegnikus op nasionale of internasionale vlak, met minstens tien jaar se aktiewe diens;-
- Ervaring met die uitvoering van beligtingsontwerpe, met inbegrip van die opstel, programmering en bemanning van toerusting;-
- Ervaring met die opstel van klank
- en oudiovisuele toerusting;-
- Ervaring van klankbedryfstelsels, spesifiek QLab;-
- Ervaring met opstel en meng op analoog en digitale klankkonsoles;-
- Die bewese vermoë om beide onafhanklik en as deel van 'n span te werk;-
- Grondige interpersoonlike vaardighede;-
- Die vermoë om oor junior tegnici toesig te hou;-
- Bewese vermoë om onder druk in 'n sperdatum-gedrewe omgewing te werk;-
- Rekenaarvaardigheid in Microsoft 365-toepassings;-
- Kennis van gesondheids
- en veiligheidsregulasies;-
- Buigsaamheid om volgens die Adam Small Teaterkompleks en die Departemenent Drama se operasionele ure te werk;-
- 'n Geldige rybewysRecommendation/Aanbeveling- Experience in production and/or project management;- Experience in and/or knowledge of the streaming of performances/events;- Knowledge of live sound mixing for music and theatre shows;- "Working at Heights" certification.Ervaring van produksie
- en/of projekbestuur;- Ervaring van en/of kennis van die stroming van optredes/geleenthede;- Kennis van lewendige klankvermenging vir musiek
- en teatervertonings;- "Werk op Hoogtes" sertifisering.

  • Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full time

    Duties/Pligte- General maintenance and management of props and décor storerooms, including inventory control.- Managing bookings of props and décor by staff and students.- Assigned assistance during pre - and post-production processes (rentals and departmental).Support for staff and students regarding teaching, assessment and research activities.-...

  • Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full time

    Duties/Pligte- Managing and scheduling of television and recording studios;- Overseeing the Department of Drama's computer user area and editing suite;- Maintaining and managing the audio and audio-visual equipment for the studios;- Providing technical support to staff and students regarding teaching and research activities, productions, projects, and...