Resed Coordinator

1 week ago

Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full time

Duties/Pligte **Primary responsibilities include the following**:

- Fulfilling leadership as well as management functions within the cluster;
- Taking initiative to establish the cluster as organisational basis of social and academic life;
- Developing and implementing a vision for the cluster as a healthy, enabling community that enhances student success;
- Taking responsibility for establishing co-curricular programmes;
- Promoting the cluster as organisational premise among faculties;
- Taking the lead in creating and monitoring development opportunities for all student communities within the cluster;
- Responsible for coordinating and administrative tasks, including facilities management, regarding University accommodation within the cluster;
- Uniting the staff and student leadership within the cluster as a team;
- Accepting the overarching responsibility for training within the CSC;
- Advising and liaising with residence representatives and house committees;
- Accepting the overarching responsibility for the disciplinary committee of the cluster;
- Performing crisis management;
- Meeting the requirements set by Divisions and the University;
- Developing research-based initiatives;
- Responsible for the efficient governance of one specific residence community within the cluster.

**Hoofverantwoordelikhede sluit die volgende in**:

- Tree as leier sowel as bestuurder binne die kluster op;
- Neem die inisiatief om die kluster as organisatoriese grondslag van die sosiale en akademiese lewe te vestig;
- Ontwikkel en implementeer visie vir die kluster as 'n gesonde, opbouende gemeenskap wat studentesukses bevorder;
- Verantwoordelik vir die vestiging van ko-kurrikulêre programme;
- Bevorder die klusterbeginsel binne fakulteite;
- Neem leiding met, hou toesig oor en skep ontwikkelingsgeleenthede vir alle studentegemeenskappe binne die kluster;
- Verantwoordelik vir koördinerende en administratiewe take, met inbegrip van fasiliteitsbestuur, wat Universiteitsbehuising in die kluster betref;
- Bind personeel en studenteleiers binne die kluster saam tot 'n span;
- Aanvaar die oorkoepelende verantwoordelikheid vir opleiding binne die SSG;
- Adviseer en skakel met koshuisverteenwoordigers en huiskomitees;
- Aanvaar die oorkoepelende verantwoordelikheid vir die kluster se dissiplinêre komitee;
- Verrig krisisbestuur;
- Kom afdelings
- en Universiteitsverantwoordelikhede na;
- Ontwikkel navorsingsgebaseerde inisiatiewe;
- Verantwoordelik vir die doeltreffende beheer oor en bestuur van 'n spesifieke koshuisgemeenskap binne die kluster.

Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes
- A university degree;
- At least two years' experience with and knowledge of clusters;
- Empathy and a positive attitude towards students, and a lively interest in student development;
- Experience in leadership development and crisis management;
- The ability to provide thought leadership and to guide staff and students through a process of change;
- A proven interest in student guidance;
- The ability to build and maintain interpersonal relations;
- Excellent communication skills in both English and another official South African language;
- Experience managing staff or students;
- The proven ability to implement values-driven management;
- Facilitation skills;
- The ability to build and lead a team;
- Strong administrative skills;
- Computer skills;
- Knowledge of co-curriculum development, or a basic knowledge of education and experiential learning, or both.
- 'n Universiteitsgraad;
- Minstens twee jaar se ervaring met en kennis van klusters;
- Meelewendheid en 'n positiewe ingesteldheid teenoor studente, en 'n sterk belangstelling in studenteontwikkeling;
- Ervaring in leierskapsontwikkeling en krisishantering;
- Die vermoë om denkleierskap te verskaf en om personeel en studente deur 'n proses van verandering te lei;
- 'n Bewese belangstelling in studentebegeleiding;
- Die vermoë om uitstekende menseverhoudinge te bou en te handhaaf;
- Uitstekende kommunikasievaardighede in beide Engels en 'n ander amptelike Suid-Afrikaanse taal;
- Ervaring daarvan om personeel of studente te bestuur;
- Die bewese vermoë om waardegedrewe bestuur te implementeer;
- Fasiliteringsvaardighede;
- Die vermoë om 'n span te vorm en te lei;
- Sterk administratiewe vaardighede;
- Rekenaarvaardigheid;
- Kennis van ko-kurrikulum-ontwikkeling, of 'n basiese kennis van die opvoedkunde en ondervindingsleer, of albei.

- A master's degree or further postgraduate studies;
- A suitable academic profile;
- Knowledge of managing a residence;
- Knowledge of value-driven management;
- Experience in diversity management.
- 'n Meestersgraad of verdere nagraadse studie;'
- n Toepaslike akademiese profiel;
- Kennis van koshuisbestuur;
- Kennis van waardegedrewe bestuur;
- Ervaring van diversiteitsbestuur.

  • Resed Coordinator

    1 week ago

    Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full time

    Duties/Pligte **Primary responsibilities include the following**: - Fulfilling leadership as well as management functions within the cluster; - Taking initiative to establish the cluster as organisational basis of social and academic life; - Developing and implementing a vision for the cluster as a healthy, enabling community that enhances student...

  • Resed Coordinator

    7 months ago

    Stellenbosch, South Africa Stellenbosch University Full time

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