Junior Portefeuljebestuurder
7 months ago
**Purpose of the position**:
Join NWK as a Junior Portfolio Manager / Grainmarketer in the Grain Trading division, where you'll embark on a dynamic career path filled with
continuous learning opportunities. You will play a pivotal role in NWK's grain trading activities and policies, while actively contributing to our
supportive, innovative, and dynamic work environment.
**Key responsibilities: **
Collaborating on strategic input for grain trading activities and policies.
Building and maintaining strong relationships with producers, buyers, dealers, and silo staff, utilising your excellent negotiation skills.
Managing futures exchange transactions.
Conducting price calculations and analysis, utilising your market insights.
Implementing trading and hedging strategies to enhance NWK's grain portfolio.
Collecting, analysing, and interpreting market information to form market insights.
Handling customer enquiries efficiently and professionally, reflecting your strong interpersonal skills.
**Minimum requirements: **
Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Science (B.Sc. Agric), Agriculture (B. Agric), Commerce (B. Comm.), or a similar tertiary qualification.
brokerage exam within a reasonable timeframe.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills in both Afrikaans and English.
A valid driver's license.
**Skills and attributes: **
**Continuous learning**:Embracing opportunities for ongoing development and growth, contributing to NWK's culture of continuous learning.
**Supportive environment**:Contributing positively to a workplace culture that values teamwork and collaboration, fostering a supportive
environment for all employees.
**Investment in employees**:NWK is committed to investing in your professional development and career progression, providing opportunities
for growth.
**Innovation**:Bringing fresh ideas and innovative thinking to enhance our grain trading strategies, fostering a culture of innovation within NWK.
**Dynamism**:Thriving in a fast-paced, ever-evolving industry and adapting to changes with enthusiasm, reflecting the dynamism of NWK's work
environment.** **
**Negotiation proficiency**:Demonstrated ability to negotiate effectively in various transaction types and contracts for grain purchases and sales.
**Risk management**:Must demonstrate skills in risk management strategies to protect NWK's grain portfolio.** **
**Market insights**:gathering and interpreting market information to make informed decisions**.**
**The level of appointment and seniority will depend on your relevant experience in the grain and related industries, particularly in physical and**
**futures trading, portfolio management, and your negotiation skills. Join NWK in this exciting trainee Portfolio Manager role and become an**
**journey in the grain trading industry**
**Doel van die pos**:
Sluit aan by NWK as 'n Junior-portefeuljebestuurder / graanverkryger in die Graanverhandelingsafdeling, waar jy 'n dinamiese loopbaan gevul
met deurlopende leergeleenthede sal aanpak. Jy sal 'n deurslaggewende rol speel in NWK se graanverhandelingsaktiwiteite en -beleide, terwyl
jy aktief bydra tot ons ondersteunende, innoverende en dinamiese werksomgewing.
**Hoofverantwoordelikhede: **
Samewerking aan strategiese insette vir graanverhandelingsaktiwiteite en -beleide.
Die bou en handhawing van sterk verhoudings met produsente, kopers, handelaars en silopersoneel, deur jou uitstekende
onderhandelingsvaardighede aan te wend.
Onderhandeling en strukturering van verskeie transaksietipes, skemas en kontrakte vir graanaankope en -verkope, terwyl jy jou
onderhandelingsvaardigheid toepas.
Bestuur van termynbeurstransaksies.
Uitvoer van prysberekeninge en ontleding deur die aanwending van jou markinsigte.
Implementering van handel
- en verskansingstrategieë om NWK se graanportefeulje te verbeter.
Insameling, ontleding en interpretasie van markinligting om markinsigte te vorm.
Die doeltreffende en professionele hantering van klantenavrae, wat jou sterk interpersoonlike vaardighede weerspieël.
**Minimum vereistes: **
Baccalaureusgraad in landbouwetenskap (B.Sc. Agric), landbou (B. Agric), handel (B. Comm.), of 'n soortgelyke tersiêre
'n Hoofvak in landbou-ekonomie, ekonomie of risikobestuur word verkies.
Kwalifikasie as 'n Safex-makelaar is hoogs wenslik. Indien jy nie reeds as ʼn Safex-makelaar gekwalifiseer is nie, moet kandidate
daartoe verbind om die Safex-makelaarseksamen binne 'n redelike tyd te voltooi.
Uitstekende interpersoonlike en kommunikasievaardighede in beide Afrikaans en Engels.
ʼn Geldige bestuurslisensie.
**Vaardighede en eienskappe: **
**Deurlopende leer**: Moet geleenthede vir deurlopende ontwikkeling en groei, in ooreenstemming met NWK se kultuur van
deurlopende leer, aangryp.
**Ondersteunende omgewing**: Dra positief by tot 'n